Kingcombe Meadows Project exhibition – 28 March to 5 April 2018

In 2017 the Dorset Wildlife Trust celebrated 30 years of Kingcombe Meadows Nature Reserve, a beautiful mosaic of unimproved pasture, wildflower meadows, woodland and ancient hedgerows in the heart of the rolling hills and vales of the southwest. The Trust invited SWLA members to respond to this nationally important nature reserve. Exhibited in the Main Barn will be artwork by SWLA members Carry Akroyd, Robert Greenhalf, Simon Griffiths, Richard Jarvis, Harriet Mead, Antonia Phillips, Nik Pollard, Greg Poole, and Matt Underwood.
Kingcombe Meadows Project
Dorset Wildlife Trust,
The Kingcombe Centre
Toller Porcorum
Dorset DT2 0EQ
Wednesday 28 March to Thursday 5 April 2018