Friends of the Society of Wildlife Artists – Application Form

If you have read about the benefits of becoming a Friend and would like to apply, please fill out the form below. For people who would prefer a paper-based application, you can download, print and fill out one here instead. If you would like to gift a Friends subscription to somebody please download the form and send a covering letter.

Personal Details
Payment method

Membership Rate is currently £25 per annum. Subscriptions run from 1 April each year. You can pay in the following methods

  • By setting up an online recurring payment
  • Standing Order, by completing this form, and returning to your bank
  • By sending a bank transfer payment (BACS) to Society of Wildlife Artists, Sort code: 30-90-79, Account Number: 00276602 using your postcode as payment reference
  • Sending a cheque made payable to Society of Wildlife Artists to SWLA Friends Administrator, c/o 7 Owen Cole Close, Great Massingham, King’s Lynn, Norfolk, PE32 2LF
Payment Method *
Declaration and Submit