Publication – Wadden Sea Project Book
The SWLA Wadden Sea Project was an ambitious collaboration with Nationalpark Vandehaat. The brainchild of SWLA artist Marco Brodde, the project involved two residencies and 19 artists. Alongside writer Colin Williams, the artists were tasked with interpreting the extraordinary landscapes and wildlife of this UNESCO World Heritage site. The first trip in October 2019, was focussed on the south of the area and gave the artists the opportunity to experience the spectacular autumn migration of birds to the region. The second trip was delayed due to the pandemic but in May 2022 a second group visited the north of the region centred on the island of Fanø. This trip was an opportunity to see the importance of the area for breeding birds and summer migrants.
Colin Williams used his time on the projects to research the history and meet with the people of the Wadden Sea. The beautiful text is thoughtful, observant and fascinating. Haunted by the Last Tide is an exceptional example of how writing and art can come together and create a sense of place.
The SWLA would like to thank The Wadden Sea National Park, The Tønder Marsh Initiative, the Region of Southern Denmark, the 15. Juni Fonden and Toosbuys Fond for their generous sponsorship and support of this project.

Price and details
£35 Hardback (inc. UK P&P) · 168 pages · over 200 colour artworks · 300 × 240 mm
ISBN Number: 9788793477216
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