• Published on Tuesday, 2 September 2014
  • | Members’ News

The 2014 Langford Press Field Sketches Award is open to entries!!!

Despite earlier confusion, the SWLA is pleased to announce that the Langford Press Field Sketches Award is running again this year and artists are invited to submit their field work for this great prize NOW! The deadline for last entries will be 5.00pm Friday 10th October. The Award is given to any artist of any age who shows a fundamental understanding of the subject through their work in the field.

The subject has to be of wildlife but this could encompass back garden nature just as much as exotic expedition work. The judges are looking for a body of work (maximum of eight pieces) that captures the essence of the subject which has been drawn from life. We are not looking for studio work. Open to any one who is inspired by the natural world, the work will be judged by Ian Langford and two senior members of the SWLA. The winner will be announced at the private view of The Natural Eye, the annual exhibition of the Society of Wildlife Artists.

Please click on the link below to complete the form for the Langford Press Field Sketches Award. https://docs.google.com/a/mallgalleries.com/forms/d/​10aNRRSmoHQ9328DCLpzbZ1nNr6ckG3FnG0d-3Xxika0/viewform