• Published on Tuesday, 14 March 2023
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Natural Eye Award Winners 2022

Paul Henery Winner Birdwatch and Swarovski Optik Award

The winning painting Stag Rocks, Evening light’ shows a roosting flock of one of my favourite winter visitors, the Purple Sandpiper. Stag Rocks near Bamburgh, Northumberland is one of the best sites for Purps’. This image is all about an encounter which only happens a few times a year when the tide is high at about 4pm on a sunny December day and as the sun sets it touches the tops of the lichen-covered rocks and illuminates the birds which have been forced to the highest point by the tide. My aim is simply to tell that story and to capture that light and atmosphere. Paul Henery

  'Stag Rocks' by Paul Henery
'Stag Rocks' by Paul Henery

Richard Allen Winner RSPB Art Award

  'Avocet Flight' by Richard Allen
'Avocet Flight' by Richard Allen

Richard Tratt Winner Dry Red Press Award

Richard Tratt’s winning piece Thistlepatch Visitors’ will be reproduced as a greetings card by The Dry Red Press.

  'Thistlepatch Visitors' by Richard Tratt
'Thistlepatch Visitors' by Richard Tratt

Derek Robertson Winner Birdscapes Conservation Through Art Award

The Conservation through Art Award, sponsored by The BIRDscapes Gallery, acknowledges an artist’s efforts in using art to help conserve the natural world. It also directly benefits wildlife by the prize money being shared equally between the artist and a nature conservation body of the artist’s choosing. Derek Robertson is this year’s winner for his thought-provoking exploration and graphic portrayal of the threats faced by wildlife as a direct result of certain human activities.

  'A Day With The Keeper II, Golden Eagle' by Derek Robertson
'A Day With The Keeper II, Golden Eagle' by Derek Robertson