• Published on Friday, 18 April 2014
  • | Members’ News

Malta Massacre on Migration

Chris Packham is soon to post a nightly as live’ You Tube diary covering the appalling, Spring slaughter of migrant birds that happens on Malta every year. The aim is to raise awareness of this massacre of migrant birds as they pass through Malta from Africa to reach their breeding grounds in Europe each Spring. Thousands of birds die every year but it is still legallised on Malta despite an EU Birds Directive that it is illegal. Small birds are often lured to bushes using previously trapped, live birds that are tethered to a branch using sticky lime; their calls attract the migrants which are then similarly caught on limed branches or just shot out of the air. The SWLA supports Chris Packham’s attempt to bring this tragedy to wider public attention and we encourage you to look at Chris Packham’s video diaries later this month and to follow the story through this link; http://​tinyurl​.com/​q​5​f2rtk

With enough support we might be able to shame the Maltese government into putting a stop to this dreadful, annual massacre.

Chris Packham is on a mission to raise awareness about the mass slaughter of migrant birds on Malta. He and 3 colleagues with the support of Birdlife Malta are making video diaries between YouTube 2126 April.