• Published on Saturday, 25 April 2015
  • | Members’ News

Keith Shackleton MBE

It is with great sadness we announce that founder SWLA member and former president of the society Keith Shackleton MBE died on Friday 17th April.

Keith was a brilliant painter and 


he was a great inspiration to many of us within the society. A master of the stormy sea and of the icebound lanscapes of Antarctica he also served as president of the Royal Society of Marine Artists. As a conservationist he helped Sir Peter Scott in setting up the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust, of which he was vice-president, and he gave huge support to wildlife conservation in the Antarctic. Painter, wildlife conservationist, television presenter, pilot, internationally acclaimed yachtsman; his list of achievements is too long to list here and there will be a full obituary to him in a newsletter later this year.

For those who knew him he was a kind and generous man with a great sense of humour and an often mischievously witty turn of phrase; a great raconteur who had a seemingly endless fund of stories and anecdotes, drawn from a rich life filled with enviably fascinating adventures. He was a modest, self-deprecating man with infinite charm — he was a true gentleman in every sense of the word. He will be greatly missed and our hearts go out to his wife, Jacqueline, and to all of his family.